Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sold 250 million shares of Stone would definitely quit Sina Sina

Stone finally to "opt out" Sina has taken a key step - Stone Group Holdings recently held its Extraordinary General Assembly, through the authorized management to sell in the market of 250 million shares of Sina shares held, representing the entire issued share capital of about 4.96%.

However, the official said, there is no plan to sell at any time or any shares in the group did not receive a grand or any person the shares to their contact.

鈼?total of nearly 200 million U.S. dollars cash

In fact, this year in February, the wind in the most compact Sina shares big time, Stone Group Holdings had issued a notice said it will sell all of Sina shares held by hand, even a rumor that the grand secret has four-way contact. Although the four-way head of the section of Wing Kei since repeatedly denied the "intent to sell," but the industry generally believe that this is just a smoke bomb.

According to industry calculations, according to Sina on February 28 ended within six months of the average closing prices, the four-way sale of these shares will receive 72.99 million U.S. dollars in revenue. Before that of February 2003 to February 2004, Stone had 15 shots and has cash Sina shares, total access to more than 100 million U.S. dollars in revenue. This means that nearly a year ago, Stone shares from Sina's cash amount to nearly 200 million U.S. dollars!

However, the four-way board of directors is expected to present to sell the remaining shares of Sina, may have a negative impact on the Group, but the next sale will not result in financial impact on the Group.

鈼?Sina was a four-way "cash cow"

The Stone and the section of Wing Kei, the Sina may be a most rewarding investment.

This Just look at Stone Group Holdings Interim Report 2004 know: the first half of 2004, Stone Group Holdings's operating profit was only more than 2900 million, and obtained through the sale of SINA shares of non-operating income reached 101 million Hong Kong dollar. This shows that Sina as if Stone's "cash cow."

Concerned that if the attention of Stone Group Holdings's financial statements and earnings will find that Stone's income statement within operating income is the loss of basic, mainly by operating income to cover, but the source of operating revenue is the sale Sina Equity investment income received. Obviously, Duan Yongji been using investment income to subsidize the Stone Sina, even in supporting Stone quite to this day.

鈼?relatively calm response to the relevant market

Perhaps the market had anticipated a four-way sale of SINA shares, the reporter found yesterday, the Nasdaq stock market, Sina, and no significant change: the U.S. local time on April 12 closing price of 29.43 U.S. dollars, more than 5 days fell about 6% before the decline, the performance was still fairly steady. The Stone Group Holdings in Hong Kong-listed shares, almost unchanged.


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Monday, July 12, 2010

Carrefour business golden rule

銆??瀹朵箰绂忕殑鎴愬姛鍦ㄤ簬绮剧粏銆佺瀛︾殑绠$悊锛屼富瑕佽〃鐜板湪6涓柟闈細閫夊潃鐨勭瀛﹀寲锛屽己澶х殑鍟嗗搧绠$悊鏈烘瀯锛屽己澶х殑鐢佃剳鏀寔鍔熻兘锛岀畝娲佺殑缁勭粐缁撴瀯銆佺粡钀ョ悊蹇靛強楂樻晥鐜板満绠$悊锛屽畬鏁寸殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲鍜屽己鐑堢殑闃叉崯鎰忚瘑銆?br />
銆??瀹朵箰绂忎笌鏅編寰锋柉鍚堝苟锛?999骞撮攢鍞杈?89.7澶氫嚎缇庡厓锛屽眳涓栫晫绗簩锛屾娲茬涓?? The end of 2000, Carrefour stores in foreign countries more than a few Biwoerma shop abroad.瀹朵箰绂忕殑鎴愬姛鍦ㄤ簬绮剧粏銆佺瀛︾殑绠$悊锛屼富瑕佽〃鐜板湪6涓柟闈細閫夊潃鐨勭瀛﹀寲锛屽己澶х殑鍟嗗搧绠$悊鏈烘瀯锛屽己澶х殑鐢佃剳鏀寔鍔熻兘锛岀畝娲佺殑缁勭粐缁撴瀯銆佺粡钀ョ悊蹇靛強楂樻晥鐜板満绠$悊锛屽畬鏁寸殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲鍜屽己鐑堢殑闃叉崯鎰忚瘑銆?br />
銆??涓??閫夊潃绉戝鍖?br />
銆??1銆佸紑鍦ㄥ崄瀛楄矾鍙c? Carrefour(娉曟枃鎰忎负鍗佸瓧璺彛)绗竴瀹跺簵鏄?963骞村紑鍦ㄥ反榛庡崡鏁堜竴涓皬闀囩殑鍗佸瓧璺彛锛屼竴鐏垎锛屽ぇ瀹堕兘璇村幓鍗佸瓧璺彛锛屾妸搴楀悕缁欏繕浜嗐? Carrefour to become the first intersection location criteria.

銆??2銆?-5鍏噷鍟嗗湀鍗婂緞銆?This is the Carrefour site in the western standards. General standards in China, 8 km from the bus ride, no more than 20 minutes of psychological endurance.

銆??3銆佸鑱樺叕鍙歌繘琛屽競璋冦? Generally require two companies were selected sales estimates, the two companies are independent companies outside the group.

銆??4銆佺伒娲婚?搴斿綋鍦扮壒鐐广? Carrefour store opened in the basement can also be opened in four or five, but the best one for the ground and second floor or basement and ground floor. Carrefour usually accounts for two-story space, not open three. This Biwoerma, Metro flexible.

銆??浜屻?寮哄ぇ鐨勫晢鍝佺鐞嗘満鏋?br />
銆??1銆佸湪鍏ㄧ悆閲囪喘鍟嗗搧銆?Carrefour to enter a commodity, manufacturers must first negotiate with a recognized headquarters, the store orders through the system, not into the system, not settlement. Carrefour has international commodity, responsible for finding resources in the world, Carrefour introduced to the country's purchasing department stores, purchasing departments to place orders with them. Carrefour is usually a commodity worldwide sales.

銆??瀹朵箰绂忓鍏ㄧ悆渚涘簲鍟嗙礌璐ㄨ姹傛槸锛?br />
銆??鎷ユ湁鍑哄彛鏉冨巶鍟嗘垨鍑哄彛鍏徃 浠锋牸鍏锋湁绔炰簤鍔?br />
銆??鑹ソ鍝佽川淇濊瘉(涓嶆槸鍝佺墝) 澶ф壒閲忕敓浜т笌渚涜揣鑳藉姏

銆??鏈変箰鎰忓涔犳柊鐭ヨ瘑鐨勬鏈?br />

銆??2銆佸缓绔嬪己澶х殑鍟嗗搧绠$悊鏈烘瀯銆?Goods shop operations center, Carrefour attaches great importance to commodity management. Director of the company set up merchandise, management, the Ministry of goods 5. The fast moving consumer goods, fresh, daily necessities, household appliances, textiles, with each department director of product management seven functional departments, namely Sales Development, Ministry of National negotiations, business development, the price department, Branding, Development , Training.

銆??涓夈?寮哄ぇ鐨勭數鑴戞敮鎸佸姛鑳?br />
銆??涓闆跺敭浼佷笟鏈?ぇ鐨勫樊璺濇槸绯荤粺绠$悊锛屼富瑕佽〃鐜颁负淇℃伅绯荤粺鐨勫畬鏁存?銆佹寚瀵肩幇鍦虹鐞嗙殑鏂瑰紡銆?On-site management to computer-based, people turn around the computer.

銆??1銆佺數鑴戝姛鑳姐? Carrefour computer played 11 major functions, namely, order management, automatic replenishment, receiving, return the vendor, price changes, store moved between libraries, inter-class transfer library, inventory adjustments, inventory, query, report.

銆??2銆佹煡璇笌鎶ヤ妇鍔熻兘銆?Play computer query and reporting capabilities, make the appropriate analysis, to improve the performance of great help. (1)閿?敭鏌ヨ(鍗虫椂鎬?锛氶攢鍞銆侀攢鍞噺(浠庤?绠楀嚭骞冲潎浠?銆侀【瀹㈡暟銆?(2)鍟嗗搧娴佸姩鎶ュ憡锛氭煇绉嶄骇鍝佷粠鐢熷埌姝荤殑鎶ュ憡(鍗曞搧璁板綍)锛岃繖浜涘晢鍝佺殑鍏蜂綋璧板悜銆?It is the tool to find the cause of loss. (3)鑷姩琛ヨ揣鎶ュ憡锛氭彁渚涘缓璁畾鍗曪紝渚涜揣鍟嗙紪鐮併?瀹氫欢鏁伴噺銆佽繘浠枫?鍞环銆佹瘺鍒╃巼銆佽禒鍝侀噺浠舵暟銆佽鍒拌揣澶╂暟銆佺洰鍓嶅瓨璐с?鍦ㄩ?鍟嗗搧閲忋?姣忓ぉ姣忔湀骞冲潎閿?敭銆佺幇鏈堥攢鍞噺銆佸缓璁噰璐噺銆?(4)淇冮攢鍒嗘瀽鎶ュ憡锛氫績閿?晢鍝併?浠锋牸銆佸綋澶╅攢鍞噺銆侀攢鍞銆佸墠鍥涘懆骞冲潎閿?敭棰濄? (5)鏈?ぇ閿?敭棰濆垎鏋愭姤鍛?20%A绫诲晢鍝佸浣曠鐞?锛氬崟鍝併?鍞环銆佹帓鍚嶃?鍓嶅洓鍛ㄥ崰鍏ㄥ簵鐨勭櫨鍒嗘瘮(鍓?00鍚嶅晢鍝佽鍗犲簵钀ヤ笟棰濈殑50-52%锛屽崰涓嶅埌锛屽搧绉嶆湁闂)銆?(6)姣忔棩鍙樹环鎶ュ憡锛氬晢鍝併?閿?敭閲忋?鏃т环鏍笺?鏂颁环鏍笺?鍑忎环鎹熷け閽辨暟銆佷績閿?悕绉般?鏃堕棿銆?br />
銆??鍥涖?绠?磥鐨勭粍缁囩粨鏋?br />
銆??寮?簵鍓嶆湁涓変欢浜嬭鍋氾細閫夊潃銆侀?鍧??閫夊潃;寮?簵鍚庢湁涓変欢浜嬭鍋氾細寤虹珛鏈烘瀯銆佹爲绔嬬粡钀ョ悊蹇点?杩涜鐜板満绠$悊銆?br />
銆??1銆佸缓绔嬬畝娲佺殑鏈烘瀯銆?Carrefour stores managed by the manager, the manager has to appoint a Director responsible.鍙﹀鏈夊?鐝粡鐞?澶勯暱鎴栨湇鍔¢儴闂ㄨ闀?銆?br />
銆??2銆佹爲绔嬪涔愮鐗规湁鐨勭粡钀ョ悊蹇点? Carrefour has five business philosophy: one stop shopping, low prices, free parking, self-service, fresh quality. With the five is the supermarket, would like to put these 5 success meticulous.瓒呬綆鍞环涓嶆槸姣忕鍟嗗搧閮芥槸瓒呬綆鍞环锛屾湁鐨勯浂姣涘埄锛屾湁鐨勫彲杈?5%銆?Supermarkets are not department stores, not the five-star hotel, but the conditions required to provide self-service, convenience for customers to find, not to speak, can find products and prices. Promotional items at least two price card.濡傛灉椤惧鎴栧憳宸?0%鐨勪汉闂晢鍝侊紝40%闂环鏍硷紝杩欏氨琛ㄦ槑鍟嗗搧闄堝垪鏈夐棶棰樸?瓒呭競娌℃湁鏈嶅姟鍛橈紝鍙湁鐞嗚揣鍛?br />
銆??3銆佺幇鍦虹鐞嗐? Carrefour store on-site management mainly for the inspection management. (1)宸¤绠$悊銆?With the inspection table control can be divided into good, bad and the two standards to be improved. Specific projects include: high-priced goods store room is locked, whether out of the box, store it out of stock, warehouse board who is good, no bar code on the question whether goods processing zones, lighting waste not, whether health and safety. (2)鍟嗗搧閮ㄧ粡鐞嗘瘡鏃ュ繀鍋氾細璇︾粏宸℃煡璐ф灦;鏉″舰鐮佷笌浠锋牸鐩哥;鍟嗗搧鏄惁缂鸿揣;妫?煡绯荤粺鎶ュ憡;淇冮攢鍟嗗搧鍗曠嫭璁㈣揣;渚濇瘡鏈堟姤鍛婂埗璁績閿??瀹氳揣;妫?煡浠风鍜岃鏄庝功;鏍规嵁鎬婚儴鐢佃剳鎸囧鏀瑰彉闄堝垪闈紝閿?敭棰濆ぇ鐨勫姞澶ч檲鍒楅潰銆?100涓搧绉嶄笉瓒呰繃3娆¤ˉ璐?妫?煡瀹夊叏鍜屾竻娲併? (3)缁嗚嚧宸℃煡锛氭竻娲併?缂鸿揣涓庤璐с?閲嶈鍟嗗搧銆佷績閿?尯銆侀檲鍒楁爣鍑嗭紝鎵弿娴嬭瘯锛屽畨鍏ㄧ瓑銆?br />

銆??1銆佸涔愮鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栬〃杩般? 鎴戜滑鐨勪娇鍛斤細鎴戜滑鎵?湁鐨勫姫鍔涙槸涓轰簡璁╅【瀹㈡弧鎰忋?鎴戜滑鐨勯浂鍞椿鍔ㄦ槸閫氳繃瀵瑰晢鍝佸強鍝佽川鐨勯?鎷╋紝鎻愪緵鏈?匠浠锋牸锛屾潵婊¤冻椤惧鐨勫鍙橀渶姹傘?




銆??璧勪骇鏀跨瓥 浜哄姏璧勬簮鏀跨瓥 鍟嗗搧鏀跨瓥 璐㈠姟鏀跨瓥

銆??缁忚惀鐞嗗康 缁勭粐 绉嶇被 棰勭畻

銆??鍏虫敞椤惧 鍩硅 璐ㄩ噺 鎶曡祫

銆??浼佷笟褰㈣薄 鏅嬪崌 浠锋牸 鎴愭湰

銆??涓撲笟鎶?兘 钖叕 鎺掗潰璁捐 绠$悊

銆??钀ヤ笟棰濄?甯傚満鍒嗛 绠$悊 閲囪喘 绋嬪簭

銆??鍗栧満 浜掔浉浜ゆ祦 娴佺▼


銆??鍏?寮虹儓鐨勯槻鎹熸剰璇?br />
銆??1銆佹棩甯告崯澶遍槻鑼?淇濆畨)闃熶紞銆?1)涓夌背鍘熷垯锛氭瘡涓憳宸ュ湪浣犱笁绫充箣鍐呭氨闂?椤惧锛岄潪璐间細璁や负鏈夌ぜ璨岋紝璐间細鎷呭績鑰屾斁寮冨伔绐冦?(2)鍚庝粨绠$悊锛氫笉璁告湁寮?銆佷笉璁告湁浠g敤绠憋紝鍚﹀垯璐㈢爜;楂樹簬鍟嗗搧骞冲潎浠凤紝楂樺崟浠峰晢鍝侀攣涓婏紝鏈変繚瀹夎璇併?(3)鏉$爜绠$悊锛氭潯鐮佹帀鎹㈡槸鎹熷け閲嶈鐨勫師鍥犮?渚涜揣鍟嗕拱鏉$爜鍚屽幓璐紝寰堝嵄闄┿?(4)鏀堕摱閽辩鐞嗭細姣忔湀鍏佽40鍏冧互鍐呴暱鐭锛岄暱鐨勫厤瀵勫ぇ浜庣己娆俱?姣忔鏌ョ湅绠卞簳銆佺搴曪紝婕忔壂姣忓ぉ瓒呰繃1000鍏冿紝杩樻湁娌℃煡鐨?鏁寸鐨勮寮?銆?5)纾佺爜鍘熷垯锛氱汉缁囧搧銆侀瀷銆丆D/VCD锛岀儫锛岄厭閮借创锛屾瘡瀹跺晢鍦虹敤2-2.5涓囧厓銆?6)鎻愬寘鎺у埗鍘熷垯锛氶噰鍙栧瓨鍖呭埗搴︺?鎻愪緵闃茬洍鍖咃紝濂冲+闅忎究銆?br />
銆??2銆佸懆鏈熺洏鐐?澶х洏鐐广?鍋氬嚭涓嶆祦鍔ㄥ晢鍝佹姤鍛?鎴栨潯褰㈢爜閿欍?鎴栦涪绛?銆佽礋搴撳瓨鎶ュ憡(涓?煡鍒板簳锛屾壘鍒板師鍥?鍜岃繘琛屽厤璐硅禒鍝佹帶鍒?鍗曠嫭鎺у埗)銆?br />


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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

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DVD Audio Ripper is a professional software DVD movie soundtrack ripper that can extract movie soundtracks from DVDs and rip DVD audio to MP3 or WAV with complete sound effects.


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5. It can rip DVD movies by certain time or file size - If your DVD doesn't separate music through chapters, you also can rip it by certain time or file size, for example rip DVD to MP3 every 5 minutes or every 5 MB.
6. It can extract DVD sound track quickly - DVD Audio Ripper can check your CPU type automatically, use your CPU fully that ensure you can rip your DVDs with the best ripping speed. DVD ripping isn't a time-consuming work any more!
7. It supports batch conversion and multi-threading CPU, thus the more files you convert within one time, the faster speed it offers than other converters.
8. It can extract complete music info from DVDs, and bring you luxuriant sound effects.
9. You may choose to retrieve DVD info from the internet automatically or manually.

ImTOO Software Studio as the publisher gives excellent FREE after service to buyers and FREE technical support to all trial users. And all users' emails will be replied within a business day except holidays or weekends! So powerful in function, so affordable in price, so easy in use, so fast in speed and so considerable in service! Why not try it for FREE in the download?

ImTOO Software Studio is one of the pioneers in DVD, video and audio software development.We endeavor to develop most easy-to-use, steady and detail-focused software products.

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